For my birthday last year, my sister got me a lavender mug that says on one side "Blessings are Everywhere," and on the other "The Universe Knows." I really should be drinking from this mug every morning... literally and figuratively!
I was talking with a friend last week about how I have a hard time just being myself. There are a lot of things I've internalized that tell me that I'm not "allowed" to be the carefree, silly, small-pleasures-loving woman that I am. I've gotten much better at being myself and I've stopped apologizing to everyone all the time for who I am, but some days it's still a struggle.
Right after this conversation I sat down to watch Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain with the SO. It had been a really, really long time since I'd seen it (possibly just after it had come out? so we're talking 10+ years). I didn't remember much (I'm pretty sure I didn't understand it very well the first time around) besides the fact that the movie was beautiful to look at. We put it on because SO had never seen it at all and we felt like watching a movie, which we've rarely done lately.
I'm not here to summarize or say anything about the film besides this: it was just a perfectly timed thing. Watching Amelie at this particular point in my life, and especially right after that conversation with my friend, seemed like a message from the universe. You are on the right track. You should be yourself and indulge in the things that make you happy. And there is nothing on earth wrong with picking up stones to keep in your pockets for skipping (or putting around the house on windowsills).
I like to believe there is something larger than me, guiding my life. It's not god, per se. Maybe it's just some hyper-aware subconscious sense that allows me to interpret the events of my life and draw meaning from them. I'd be okay if it were only that, because hot damn if that wouldn't be a miracle of science and the almost magical way our brains function. But I often wonder if it's not a bit more.
Anyhow, just walking around today secure in the knowledge that I am on the right path and that it is 100% okay for me to be myself since I'm pretty sure no one else could do the job.
Happy day, folks!
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Universe Knows
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Crowding Out
I love this notion of "crowing out" the bad with all the things in my life that are amazing. I wonder and worry a little about the long-term psychological ramifications of such thinking, but as a short-term fix I can't complain. And in this vein, and from a blog post that made it's way into my email this morning, I want to talk about deserving.
What do I feel like I deserve?
Often, nothing. That would be the usual answer. Or rather, it would be the old-self answer, the answer that you'd hear me give in my moments of deepest angst and despair (of which there have been plenty, more than enough). But lately - more and more - I am coming to realize that, simply by being here and breathing and sharing this space with every other being on the planet, that I do deserve to feel good. To be happy. Because otherwise, what on earth is the point?
I really liked this list at the end of the aforementioned blog post, so I'm reposting it here (without permission).
I am worthy of my desires.
I was born free.
I am worthy of love and respect.
I am lovable.
I deserve:
What do I feel like I deserve?
Often, nothing. That would be the usual answer. Or rather, it would be the old-self answer, the answer that you'd hear me give in my moments of deepest angst and despair (of which there have been plenty, more than enough). But lately - more and more - I am coming to realize that, simply by being here and breathing and sharing this space with every other being on the planet, that I do deserve to feel good. To be happy. Because otherwise, what on earth is the point?
I really liked this list at the end of the aforementioned blog post, so I'm reposting it here (without permission).
I am worthy of my desires.
I was born free.
I am worthy of love and respect.
I am lovable.
I deserve:
- eye contact
- smiles in the morning
- food made with pure intention
- clean drinking water, fresh air
- Hello, Please, Thank you.
- time to think about it
- a chance to show them what I'm made of
- a second chance
- an education
- health care, including dental
- multiple orgasms (and how!)
- weekends and the summer off
- eight hours of sleep
- play before work
- to change my mind
- to say no
- to say yes
- to be seen
- to be loved for what is seen.
I deserve all this just because I showed up for myself today.
And right now, I also deserve a taco. Because I want one, and there is a fabulous taqueria across the street from my school.
(Oh! P.S. - Happy International Women's Day! ^__^)
good will,
list making,
Monday, March 5, 2012
Checking In
It's amazing what can happen in a month.
Isn't it? I mean, we sort of just go along at a decent clip and don't stop to realize just how much stuff we do in the course of a single day. How do we remember anything? How do we recall that amazing dinner we had, or that awesome play we went to, or how our favorite person sounds over the phone? Sometimes I am simply staggered by how amazing our brains truly are, for cataloging all of these things that make up our individual experience.
Anyhow, the month of February was... a long, exhausting, emotional blur. I am not going to get into it much; too many things that happened don't belong on the internet for everyone I don't know to see. But a lot of it was really bad, and a lot of it was pretty good, and now I'm just trying to recalibrate and take stock of how to move forward.
Isn't that what it's all about, anyway? Moving forward? I always struggle with that. I'm always looking over my shoulder at what has happened, or looking ahead to what might happen, and never looking right in front of me at what is happening, and so I have this tendency to stumble. I mean, right now I'm putting one foot in front of the other and doing it reasonably well; I have a plan for the next few months and I know, generally, what my life is going to look like for the vast majority of 2012. But I feel so small, sometimes. I feel so... isolated from the rest of the world of people doing the exact same thing. Putting one foot in front of the other. Trying not to trip.
I don't want to feel this small. I want to feel so big that I could embrace every single creature in the universe and still have room for more. I want to feel like I deserve that. That I deserve to love everyone and everything, and have them love me, too.
The holistic wellness counselor I've been working with since August suggested I start a regular meditation practice (there are a lot of things I'd like to do regularly, like exercise... -_-), which I've kept up with for the last five days in the mornings before work. I find that checking in with myself in the mornings definitely helps to lift my mood, but by the time lunch rolls around I'm back to feeling tiny. And there are ways in which feeling small feels great (Niagara Falls comes to mind...), but lately the feeling small has not felt so great. I am just hoping that the meditation helps. I just hope that I can keep the practice going long enough to make it a habit.
I'm also reading Eat Pray Love, a bit late, I suppose. I am simultaneously in love with the book and wanting to throw it across the room because, yes, I understand what you're saying, but I will never have such an experience, simply because I'll never be able to afford it. Which depresses me even as the message she's trying to get across lifts me up. It's really weird.
Most things are really weird right now.
Still, I am healthy, loved, and have the opportunity to create beautiful things every day. Plus, someone else is paying for me to go back to school (again!). However I may feel (and I am allowed to feel however I'm going to feel), the external forces in my life are good forces.
It will have to do for now.
Isn't it? I mean, we sort of just go along at a decent clip and don't stop to realize just how much stuff we do in the course of a single day. How do we remember anything? How do we recall that amazing dinner we had, or that awesome play we went to, or how our favorite person sounds over the phone? Sometimes I am simply staggered by how amazing our brains truly are, for cataloging all of these things that make up our individual experience.
Anyhow, the month of February was... a long, exhausting, emotional blur. I am not going to get into it much; too many things that happened don't belong on the internet for everyone I don't know to see. But a lot of it was really bad, and a lot of it was pretty good, and now I'm just trying to recalibrate and take stock of how to move forward.
Isn't that what it's all about, anyway? Moving forward? I always struggle with that. I'm always looking over my shoulder at what has happened, or looking ahead to what might happen, and never looking right in front of me at what is happening, and so I have this tendency to stumble. I mean, right now I'm putting one foot in front of the other and doing it reasonably well; I have a plan for the next few months and I know, generally, what my life is going to look like for the vast majority of 2012. But I feel so small, sometimes. I feel so... isolated from the rest of the world of people doing the exact same thing. Putting one foot in front of the other. Trying not to trip.
I don't want to feel this small. I want to feel so big that I could embrace every single creature in the universe and still have room for more. I want to feel like I deserve that. That I deserve to love everyone and everything, and have them love me, too.
The holistic wellness counselor I've been working with since August suggested I start a regular meditation practice (there are a lot of things I'd like to do regularly, like exercise... -_-), which I've kept up with for the last five days in the mornings before work. I find that checking in with myself in the mornings definitely helps to lift my mood, but by the time lunch rolls around I'm back to feeling tiny. And there are ways in which feeling small feels great (Niagara Falls comes to mind...), but lately the feeling small has not felt so great. I am just hoping that the meditation helps. I just hope that I can keep the practice going long enough to make it a habit.
I'm also reading Eat Pray Love, a bit late, I suppose. I am simultaneously in love with the book and wanting to throw it across the room because, yes, I understand what you're saying, but I will never have such an experience, simply because I'll never be able to afford it. Which depresses me even as the message she's trying to get across lifts me up. It's really weird.
Most things are really weird right now.
Still, I am healthy, loved, and have the opportunity to create beautiful things every day. Plus, someone else is paying for me to go back to school (again!). However I may feel (and I am allowed to feel however I'm going to feel), the external forces in my life are good forces.
It will have to do for now.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Happy Happy! and Some New Year's Woes
Happy new year, folks (all two of you who read this blog...!)!
Lots of fun and amazing things happened over the last month. There was a vacation (St. Maarten, amazing), a sinfully enormous Christmas present haul, the possibility of promotion at work, excessive use of the word BAMF!, and lots of time spent with people who just brighten up my whole life.
There was also not-so-great stuff, like my grandfather being in the hospital on Christmas Eve (the first time ever in anyone's life he missed Christmas) and the subsequent weirdness of the event at my grandmother's house. There was the weird passive-aggressive fight between my parents over the concept of re-gifting, and the declaration by all and sundry that my aunt is a lunatic for dating her first husband again (I don't share this view because I (a) don't know him and (b) think that whatever makes you happy, makes you happy). Let's also not forget me breaking my toe 10 minutes into the new year by politely stubbing it on the toilet seat in my friend's bathroom - fun times!
And then there was me suddenly becoming allergic to my deodorant.
TMI? Probably. But I am super frustrated by this, and this is my place to dump weird shit on the internet, so if you don't like it, kindly click away.
Yeah. I've been using Tom's of Maine for... oh, maybe 15 years? I'm highly allergic to 99% of commercial deodorants and Tom's was the only one that didn't make me get this crazy itchy rash. Well, for the last month or so... it's behaving like it's Old Spice under there. And I do a little research, and it appears that, for the first time in 15 years, they've changed their deodorant formula.
I don't know how they changed it (as they don't list old formulas on their website, and I don't save deodorant containers), but changed it they have, and my underarms are sad little pits of fiery, itchy Hell.
And, despite there being a big movement these days for more "natural," and certainly chemical-free, bath and body products, I have started thinking more along the lines of making as many of these things for my household as possible, right in my own kitchen, where I have control over what goes in (or not) to what I'm putting on my body.
Taking a cue from my friend over at I'll Probably Regret This, in late December (actually, right after my last post) I started washing my hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. It's amazing. It probably worked so well for me because I'm sort of a dirty hippie, anyway, and really only shower twice a week (except in summer time, when it's too hot to do anything but sit in the bathtub, since I don't have a pool), but my hair is clean, and shiny, and smooth, and gorgeous. So, if this can be true of a recipe adapted (ganked) from Crunchy Betty, then perhaps I should start making my own deodorant, too.
Naturally I've gone and gotten all the ingredients. Or rather, I've made my boyfriend go get them, since I am hobbling around on a broken toe and walking too much makes it hurty.
So, moving forward is an experiment in deodorizing myself without any heavy metals or nasty un-pronounceable chemicals that don't belong in my system. I suppose I shall let people know how it goes. Mostly, I'm just looking forward to not being so damned itchy all the time.
Also, rather than "make resolutions" (which I never do), I've made a list of things that I intend to do this year. The list is rather vague and unspecific at the moment, but hopefully I'll have a minute sometime to really sit down and be a bit more thorough defining what I want for myself this year.
Here we go.
1.) Cook more. Not just "we should cook more and eat out less," because that's been happening. I mean me, in the kitchen, following recipes and making meals for myself and my boyfriend. More. Because right now the split for cooking dinner is about 98% to 2% in his favor (or mine, if you consider cooking to be a chore, I suppose).
2.) Troll through my psychological crap and start dealing with it. By day, I feel like I live a charmed life, and yet by night I have the most horrific nightmares. And they have progressed (regressed?) from your typical, disembodied-evil-is-chasing-me-and-my-legs-have-forgotten-how-to-function sort of nightmares to much more specific and easily identified psychological tropes, like some bimbo in a wedding dress trying to steal my boyfriend and him not noticing at all. The plan right now is to start keeping a dream "diary" of sorts. Write the dreams out the instant I wake up, and then later in the day start looking for patterns and what those might have to say about my insecurities. We'll see how it goes.
3.) Throw more pots! Speaks for itself, really. I want to finish at least two of my 100-objects series this year. I'm 13 pots into my 100 Cylinders project. I'll do 100 Bowls after that. The other side-affect goal here is to be able to sell these things at a physical craft fair this year, maybe around holiday time.
4.) Quilt more things! Specifically, I'd love to make small quilts. As in, coasters and trivets and place-mats small. I'm working on The Big Quilt for this year, but after that, everything must be tiny! No bigger than my biggest book! And of course, I'd love to sell these things at that same craft fair, too.
5.) Get clear on my vision of myself. I'm still not 100% sure what that means or how I'm going to get there. ^.^;; Any suggestions?
Big things in store for 2012, kiddies. The journey... continues.
Good luck everyone! ^_^
Lots of fun and amazing things happened over the last month. There was a vacation (St. Maarten, amazing), a sinfully enormous Christmas present haul, the possibility of promotion at work, excessive use of the word BAMF!, and lots of time spent with people who just brighten up my whole life.
There was also not-so-great stuff, like my grandfather being in the hospital on Christmas Eve (the first time ever in anyone's life he missed Christmas) and the subsequent weirdness of the event at my grandmother's house. There was the weird passive-aggressive fight between my parents over the concept of re-gifting, and the declaration by all and sundry that my aunt is a lunatic for dating her first husband again (I don't share this view because I (a) don't know him and (b) think that whatever makes you happy, makes you happy). Let's also not forget me breaking my toe 10 minutes into the new year by politely stubbing it on the toilet seat in my friend's bathroom - fun times!
And then there was me suddenly becoming allergic to my deodorant.
TMI? Probably. But I am super frustrated by this, and this is my place to dump weird shit on the internet, so if you don't like it, kindly click away.
Yeah. I've been using Tom's of Maine for... oh, maybe 15 years? I'm highly allergic to 99% of commercial deodorants and Tom's was the only one that didn't make me get this crazy itchy rash. Well, for the last month or so... it's behaving like it's Old Spice under there. And I do a little research, and it appears that, for the first time in 15 years, they've changed their deodorant formula.
I don't know how they changed it (as they don't list old formulas on their website, and I don't save deodorant containers), but changed it they have, and my underarms are sad little pits of fiery, itchy Hell.
And, despite there being a big movement these days for more "natural," and certainly chemical-free, bath and body products, I have started thinking more along the lines of making as many of these things for my household as possible, right in my own kitchen, where I have control over what goes in (or not) to what I'm putting on my body.
Taking a cue from my friend over at I'll Probably Regret This, in late December (actually, right after my last post) I started washing my hair with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. It's amazing. It probably worked so well for me because I'm sort of a dirty hippie, anyway, and really only shower twice a week (except in summer time, when it's too hot to do anything but sit in the bathtub, since I don't have a pool), but my hair is clean, and shiny, and smooth, and gorgeous. So, if this can be true of a recipe adapted (ganked) from Crunchy Betty, then perhaps I should start making my own deodorant, too.
Naturally I've gone and gotten all the ingredients. Or rather, I've made my boyfriend go get them, since I am hobbling around on a broken toe and walking too much makes it hurty.
So, moving forward is an experiment in deodorizing myself without any heavy metals or nasty un-pronounceable chemicals that don't belong in my system. I suppose I shall let people know how it goes. Mostly, I'm just looking forward to not being so damned itchy all the time.
Also, rather than "make resolutions" (which I never do), I've made a list of things that I intend to do this year. The list is rather vague and unspecific at the moment, but hopefully I'll have a minute sometime to really sit down and be a bit more thorough defining what I want for myself this year.
Here we go.
1.) Cook more. Not just "we should cook more and eat out less," because that's been happening. I mean me, in the kitchen, following recipes and making meals for myself and my boyfriend. More. Because right now the split for cooking dinner is about 98% to 2% in his favor (or mine, if you consider cooking to be a chore, I suppose).
2.) Troll through my psychological crap and start dealing with it. By day, I feel like I live a charmed life, and yet by night I have the most horrific nightmares. And they have progressed (regressed?) from your typical, disembodied-evil-is-chasing-me-and-my-legs-have-forgotten-how-to-function sort of nightmares to much more specific and easily identified psychological tropes, like some bimbo in a wedding dress trying to steal my boyfriend and him not noticing at all. The plan right now is to start keeping a dream "diary" of sorts. Write the dreams out the instant I wake up, and then later in the day start looking for patterns and what those might have to say about my insecurities. We'll see how it goes.
3.) Throw more pots! Speaks for itself, really. I want to finish at least two of my 100-objects series this year. I'm 13 pots into my 100 Cylinders project. I'll do 100 Bowls after that. The other side-affect goal here is to be able to sell these things at a physical craft fair this year, maybe around holiday time.
4.) Quilt more things! Specifically, I'd love to make small quilts. As in, coasters and trivets and place-mats small. I'm working on The Big Quilt for this year, but after that, everything must be tiny! No bigger than my biggest book! And of course, I'd love to sell these things at that same craft fair, too.
5.) Get clear on my vision of myself. I'm still not 100% sure what that means or how I'm going to get there. ^.^;; Any suggestions?
Big things in store for 2012, kiddies. The journey... continues.
Good luck everyone! ^_^
list making,
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